
The honest proposal

Cannes Lions Bronze Brand Experience & Activation

Cannes Lions Bronze Radio & Audio

Last year in Peru, 100,000 cases of abuse against women were reported.

But the authorities calculate that the non-reporting cases must be over one million.

How to draw the attention of many people and raise awareness about such a tremendous problem?

How to achieve a very shocking message that can be quickly shared among people and generate news in different media?

How to make many Peruvian women victims of violence quickly understand that they should report their cases?

Flora Tristán, the peruvian NGO that fights violence against women decided to act.

In the biggest music festival of the country, in the prime moment of the night, an abusive man takes the stage

and makes a marriage proposal to his girlfriend who is among the audience. This happens live in front of 10,000 people.

At first everything seems a romantic and normal proposal, but suddenly he begins to reveal his true intentions.

He tells her by the microphone that he will hit her, insult her and humiliate her and destroy her self-esteem.

At the moment that all the crowd reacts indignantly on the giant screen behind him, the message appears: THE ABUSERS DO NOT WARN.

This shocking stunt was quickly shared in all the most important news media of the country and the issue became a nationwide discussion